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Yeshua Coaching and Consulting

Yeshua Coaching and Consulting is a privately owned company that provides vigorous one on one coaching, and consultation for believers and non-believers. The goal of this ministry is to bring glory to God in all we do. Yeshua seeks to hale indicator so they can ultimately honor God.

JESUS did IT!:


Miracles in a Pandemic via ZOOM
This book is a manifestation of the Power of God as He moved and continues to move in the lives of His people during the time of a chaotic and fearful Pandemic…

Yeshua Coaching and Consulting was founded by Angela Moulton. Over the past 30 years, she has been a pastor who is truly passionate about making a lasting impact on our future generation.

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Pre-Marital Counseling

Pre-Marital Counseling is a type of therapy that helps couples prepare for marriage. It can help them identify and resolve potential issues, strengthen their communication and intimacy, and align their expectations and goals. Pre-Marital Counseling can also provide them with skills and strategies to cope with future challenges and conflicts in their relationship.


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Marital Counseling

Marital coaching is a form of professional support that helps couples improve their relationship skills and overcome challenges. Unlike marital counseling, which focuses on resolving conflicts and healing wounds, marital coaching is more proactive and goal-oriented. It helps couples identify their strengths, set realistic expectations, communicate effectively, and enhance intimacy. Marital coaching can be beneficial for couples who want to prevent problems, revitalize their marriage, or prepare for a major transition.


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Coaching for Families

Coaching for Families is a service that helps families improve their communication, relationships, and well-being. Whether you are facing a challenge, a transition, or a conflict, our coaches can help you find the best solutions for your situation. We offer individual, couple, and family sessions, as well as workshops and online courses. Our coaches are trained and certified professionals who use evidence-based techniques and tools to help you achieve your goals. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and discover how Coaching for Families can make a difference in your life.

We provide cashing session that hat help parents to teach hand guide their children by giving tips how to support themselves which h I turn will help them support their children.


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Coaching to Teens

Many times, we are now sure how to communicate with our teens and it seems like they are speaking a language we do not understand. We have a proven program based on the Jack Canfield Success principles that can guide and help your teen. These coaching sessions and training will be from a biblical perspective.


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What People Say

Yeshua Coaching delivers impactful results with integrity and innovation.

25 global ratings

his book was powerful the testimonies and the miracles done by God was breathe taking. It is a book that changes the way you see God. It encourages your faith to trust God more. It's a book that all should have. I am very satisfied with this book and highly recommend it.
I read it in less than two days! I couldn't get enough of the power of God. I could feel the anointing as I read. Very powerful testimonies. Prophetess Angela Moulton is a true woman of God! This book reminds us that God still shows up in our situations. 1 Peter 5:7.
Bridget Thomas
This book tells of the many miracles that God has done.
Very interesting. Could be longer. I enjoyed it
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